The field of social work is meant for those who want to help better living for themselves as well as others. Among the goals would be the improvement of society's conditions, and the circumstances that bind us all. Students of Masters of Social Work courses are better equipped to handle such issues than others.
Those taking up an MSW course can expect to handle a lot of communal projects. The beneficiaries, subjects or target groups to receive intervention are those who may be suffering from poverty, social injustice and violations in human rights. These are terms that more commonly associated with developing countries.
There is a high concentration of such places in Asia, the Lower Americas, and Africa. The peoples of such countries suffer from things like starvation, malnourishment, and the like. It is easy to forget that there is a child starving in some African country, perhaps, when you are sitting down to a full meal in your comfy home: yet this should never be forgotten.
As economics and realist policies rear their heads, we see more and more people keeping a surplus of wealth to themselves without thinking of helping those who might need it. It is less about the rarity of resources and more about the realist attitude to hoarding for the self. There is much to do and correct.
Millions of people around the world try to live with less than a day. The result is a life that is better described as a mere existence. The difference in overall condition between countries like the US and Third World countries is so vast that the poor in the former are not nearly as impoverished as those in the latter.
Masters in Social Work courses tend to emphasize the need to address this deep poverty. They also provide learning in social justice and human rights. The social sciences are involved here, from the political down to the humanistic.
The MSW student is also trained in practical skills such as research and teaching methods. Most working graduates of MSW end up being required to do research as well as instruct people. These are indispensable to social work graduates who have to often apply them on the job.
Developing people skills is a definite must for social work professionals. It is impossible to be of any help if you cannot properly communicate with those you are trying to assist. It is impossible to do much good in this field if you cannot be at ease with others, and if your guard is so far up all the time that you never manage to see what their problems are.
To further define what a social worker contends with, the International Federation of Social Workers released a statement about what Social Work entails. The assertion emphasized the importance of proper investigations and contextualization for all interventions and activities. The huge network that makes up society is a prime consideration for those in the field, as is the identification of connections and how the lines of incluence run.
It is imperative that you understand how society works if you are to become a social worker. You need to be capable of facing real-life issues head-on. A Masters Social Work program trains and equips students in handling such matters.